OI/XCPC (Total 15 articles)
2023 World Final 真·退役记 【2022icpc Regional 南京 E】Color the Tree 题解 2021 EC Final 退休游记 【AtCoder Grand 029F】Construction of a tree 题解 【AtCoder Regular 141D】Non-divisible Set 题解 【AtCoder Grand 037D】Sorting a Grid 题解 【CF1580E】Railway Construction 题解 【ICPC Camp PTZ-Shanghai 2022 Day2 G】Gross LCS 题解 2021ICPC南京站大杂记 【AtCoder Grand 030E】Less than 3 题解 【2021 ICPC Gran Premio de Mexico 2da Fecha F】Flipped Factorization 题解 【2018 NWERC D】Date Pickup 题解 【2021 Multi-University 4 E】Didn‘t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! 题解 【2021 Multi-University 4 G】Increasing Subsequence 题解 【SEERC 2020 H】AND = OR 题解